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Deleted 4 years ago

Hello, what is the error message? :(

(1 edit)

It said something like (The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found. Reinstalling may fix this problem) I tried deleting the game and reinstalling it, but nothing happened. Not only that I'm also using the windows addition, so I don't know what's happening.

Try to update latest vcredist/visual c++ redistributable to your PC

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hello im playing on linux and its seems very fun but it lags massively i have 4 gigabytes of ram and am using ubuntu 18.0.4 is this problem just my laptop or is it something i did wrong

i am also having another problem it seems to glitch and lock my camera into a locked position

Sorry for this :( ...Some people also report these kind of error on Linux and Mac version too (Seem there is something wrong with Unity Build import)

i would recommend to play the game on Windows version for now

if you are able to do anything that would be great


Just found out about this! LOVED playing Army RTS on gamecube as a youngn! Will try this out soon, but would love to know what kind of roadmap you have planned out for this! (if there is one so far) since this game seems to be just starting but LOTS of potential!


Gonna update the game to Attack on Toys 3.0 soon

in 2020 this year ;)


Absolutely LOVE this. I loved the Army Men games on N64 and PC growing up, this is absolutely amazing. I really didn't expect much, but this is downright an amazing game. Thank you so much for creating this and PLEASE continue to update, I'm already a huge fan.


I'm going to note that I play on a 64-bit laptop with Windows 10 and an i7. Haven't had any game-breaking bugs yet, but a few minor ones I'm sure will be fixed in the coming 3.0 update.


Feel free to report any bugs in the comment, even if it's just a minor bug ;)

And Thanks you :D


Awesome, i'm really happy that you love the game and remind you the good ol Army Men games back in the day!


Why didn't this game land on the steam store?为什么这个游戏没有登陆蒸汽商店?

(1 edit) (+2)

Because the Game need to be better, rework, and polished more before landing on Steam Store page.

Hopefully it will come out on Steam Store soon :)


The game seems very cool, but it has some serious performance issues. I tried it on both my laptops:
1. Ryzen 5 3600, 16 GB RAM, Vega 8 graphics (integrated, but ten times better than nvidia 9400), on Manjaro Linux latest 64 bit version

2. Intel I5 (4750), 16 GB RAM, GTX 960m, on Manjaro Linux latest 64 bit version

Even on very low settings, the game was simply not playable.

Try to plug in charger and disable Power Saving mode.

Seems like your laptop spec is better than mine, so it should be working properly. But maybe i'm on PC Desktop and using Windows ver.

also thank you for the feedback, will look into it :)


When I try to launch it freezes up right after configuration. I have Linux on a 2 GB RAM is the issue with my computer? Or with the game?

The loading sometime take a while

and Try to set the graphic setting to very low :)

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I did . It doesn't freeze on the starting screen, It shows the green mouse for the game and whatever computer page is behind it.

Try to enter windowed mode in Linux

But, i'm not really sure how to do it tbh because i never use linux before, hopefully it will work

It doesn't work. Cool game though.

i'm sorry it doesn't work

hopefully it will workout on the future version 3.0 :')


My game lags even on low graphics settings. Any way to fix?

Try to play Toy Box mode first

also make sure your PC specs and software (OS, GPU, ...) are up to date :)

(2 edits) (+2)

Some feedback:

  • The unit placement treats all clicks as placing a unit – when I try to change menus or right-click, it places the currently selected object.
  • Some of the cheat codes may work as regular actions if you add a plastic cost.
  • It may be interesting to add slight variation in height, detail, and color to simulate the usage of multiple different sets of plastic army men.
  • The bugs and zombies should use melee attacks, not ranged. Spiders should spawn webs, and both bugs should be able to climb walls. Zombies converting non-undead to undead would make dealing with them much harder. Adding rideable, friendly forms of the bugs would be an interesting addition, especially if you added extra armor for these rideable friendly bugs.
  • In certain levels you use slight variations on real-life brands on objects. I recommend creating new and original branding for those objects. This will make them stand out, while improving originality.
  • An aerial unit needs to carry objects, like the bucket of army men and the magnifying glass, from a friendly hub to the intended location. This makes it harder for teams to attack hubs by making them stoppable, while giving players a warning, and makes these units fit better in the game. It also forces players to think strategically about their usage as well, because these special units currently can attack opponent’s hubs directly.
  • Currently, aerial units do not stray far from the ground.
  • Allowing one builder for non-green teams to match the player’s respawning, would level the playing field. Allowing invincible buildings could be useful for setting up endless games in the sandbox mode.
  • Some levels have nations placed in areas with only one easy entry point. This is can be unfair. Additionally, The base map for sandbox has the player’s hub in a horrible place, because builders do not grasp that they can go over the edge, spawning things on a very small part of the map that is otherwise inescapable.
  • The ability for builder AI to place hubs would be useful for endless games.
  • In certain cases, you ‘locked’ the teams to a certain area in the map. This disadvantages nations ‘locked’ in places with no strategic advantage and prevents nations from recovering by moving to a different area.
  • The AI do not seem to register the location of friendly troopers. A builder caused vehicle units to get stuck in a stream of soldiers going the opposite direction when it placed a wall, blocking half of a path in the map “Home”. I noticed that the AI soon abandoned the path altogether, and that the AI did not recognize a secondary, easier path until I forced them to in the map “Home”.
  • Currently, you cannot switch the nation of your player in Sandbox mode.
  • In several cases, it is possible to place overlapping buildings and buildings that overlap with the ground.
  • Add an option for persistent debris. With this option toggled on, Players and AI must get plastic from the debris, via mining or carrying it whole to a specific place.
  • Injury and semi-broken objects would be interesting.
  • The current naming system confused me at first. Possibly change naming to the format “Rank ActualLastName (Job)”, like Private Doe (Medic), and for vehicles, list the names of each person under the format “Rank ActualLastName” in the vehicle, followed by the name of the vehicle, like Private Doe, Private Angle, and Private Lee (Helicopter). These last names should be random.

That's alot of feedbacks and suggestions in a very detail too!

Thank you alot, will look into it for some future update!

and Thank you once again :D

You are welcome.

(2 edits) (+1)

I would like to report some more bugs in recent versions:

  • The overlap capability is somewhat worse. At one point in an earlier update, I and several builders placed about 10 buildings in the same place, with many suffering from rotational glitches.
  • The plane's AI should not do abrupt changes in direction. Subtle directional changes are more accurate and less powerful.
  • As with the mech in earlier updates, the bomber can have too much control over the tide of a battle, turning the game into a bomber spawning war between the player and AIs.
  • Builders do not stop building, even after winning a game or being told to idle. Additionally, they work on a separate resource pool. Forcing players and builders to work on the same resource pool will force more strategic usage.
  • There is no way to coordinate builders strategically. This will allow for builders on both players and AI to create more strategically and will reduce the need for a hard limit on builders since the player will be responsible for crashes.
  • Opening this program and the "Groove Music" music application that comes with windows simultaneously crashes both programs and causes flickering on the screen.
  • Potentially setting up an AI tactic in Sandbox of limiting placed buildings to a certain distance away from enemies and pulling back when they push to that distance is another way to allow endless wars in Sandbox while allowing opportunities to optimize battles (Builders staying at base, only a small number going to the front lines).
  • The store is completely broken.
  • I notice there is a tendency on the picnic map for all AI to swarm the shed, even if a minimal benefit comes from swarming it and, in some circumstances, it is on the opposite side of the map.
  • Sound also seems reversed for this game.

Thank you so much with alot of feedbacks

and noted all of them!


Thank you, and your welcome.


is there any plan for a save feature in the future

Yes, in Attack on Toys Update 3.0+ :D


is there any way to make it when you place a army tent tent or any other troop spawn er, that it doesn't make the units auto follow you, because it seems they dont defend the HQ or protect it they just sit in the tent

That problem will be fixed in 3.0 Update ;)

for 2.0 the only way is to manually command troops to fix that problem

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is great and has lots of potential, keep up the good work N7T :) can't wait for 3.0

Awesome, Thank you :))



i have a suggestion and a question. #1 are you/could you make an airport or/and make new upgrade levels on buildings. #2 is version 2.1 the latest version because mine is 2.1 or do i have to reinstall for a later version, Thanks SpaceNut69


Thank you! and noted for the suggestions :)

Yes, you will need to redownload because the game doesn't have automatic update for now

Thank you! :


hi Dev can u make sound weapon new pls :)

Thank you for the suggestion!

Yes the sound will be updated or polished in Attack on Toys 3.0 update :)

how do you exit vehicles?

Press 'E' again :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Can u make  mission like armymen pls like armymen rts mission and add heroes like sarge vikki or Riff thick bullseye hoover etc

And add this game into steam pls :)

Thank you for the suggestions. Yes the game will have heroes sooner or later that were inspired by the good ol Army Men game (welp that was the plan at least)

Hopefully it will be available on STEAM too :)


Wow update come ITS more better this game is like ravenfield they make 3d polygons charachter too Pls make update like Gijoe Nerf Micro machine  and this game like rising storm

Thank you for the suggestions and noted! ;)


When are you planning to release 3.0 ver? can't wait for it :)

When it's ready, hopefully somewhat around June or July :)

Thank you, good luck :)

(1 edit)

Thank you too and hopefully everything goes well :)

I actually have a question

Can a Chromebook download and run attack on toys?

i'm not really sure about the Chrome OS will be able to run it

but you could maybe try it, the game is free to download too :)


Hi! can you put a Low Poly configuration for Very Low Computers?
I Would Be Very Appreciated!

Yes, you could change the graphics quality to Very Low right now

Change the graphic quality before the Game Start

it will turn all all 3D Models to Low Poly :)


Thanks N7T! You Helped! =

Welcome :)


Multiplayer on build 2.12 is broken, neither me or my friend can connect to each other.

We use Hamachi and we don't have any problems with other games.

Thank you for the feedback!

We will check it again and getting it fixed on the next update


I just got the game and its really my favorite video game ever i dont even have to think about it  keep up the great work. also i think you should add more modes and maps everything else is great!

Thank you :3 and also for the feedbacks too

More mode / maps soon!


Wow, this looks really cool, it's nice to see the Army Men games finally getting some love after all this time.  I played "Toys in Space" a lot as a kid, and I had a real fun time beating Air Tactics as well.  One thing that might be really cool in a future update would be to find a way to implement an option for real time ray-tracing to make the ingame graphics more closely resemble the cutscenes from the Army Men games.  Additionally, optional higher poly models for the plastic soldiers and vehicles would be a nice touch for people with higher end PCs to more accurately recreate the aesthetic of the original games.  Keep up the good work guys, I can't wait to see what's in store for the future :)

Awesome, i'm so glad you love the game :3

Yes, the game will get huge graphic/visual update in next update '3.0' with Army Men Cutscene in mind as inspiration

Stay tune for future update :)

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i cannot change nation in toy box mode? i press R and nothing happens.

nvm im a big dumb dumb you have to select a unit type than pres R not press R without selecting something.

wew i'm glad it worked out

Also Thank you for the feedback, to improve the UI in the future update :)

(1 edit) (+1)

are you guys going to do more with "zombies" i would love some sort of team survival mode maybe have the other factions team up against the undead. or have a situation where they periodically spawn during a 4 man skirmish kinda like bugs in the house level.


that might be interesting mode

noted and thank you again for your feedbacks ;)

def a really fun game! toybox mode is addictive too just wish there was a way to make things you'd place before pressing play respawn like they do in the other modes.


Are you still active on this game? btw amazing game


Thank you :3

Yes, the game still in development!



Thank you for the feedback, we will review some sound that will need to be improved in the future update :)

Hi N7T. Can you make this game compatibile on MacOS 10.15.2 Catalina please? Because i try to start this game and system can not run it.


Hello thank you for the feedback, the MacOS version are made from Unity Engine Game Builder it self... hopefully in the next Unity update it would be compatibile :')

We actually only have Windows OS to be able to test&play the game at the moment :(




Thank you for the feedbacks and suggestions

i think it would be awesome to have some of those map and feature in some future update :)

Update new yay! 3.0


I think that you should add a unit that uses the LMG or HMG (Either one is ok), a unit that can call in airstrikes but is only armed with a pistol, A pilot or driver unit that can use the vehicles that you are not currently using, Maybe a Anti  Air gun that targets air vehicles first and paratroopers, a truck that has rockets on it, A Sniper unit that targets infantry but can't attack Vehicles.

Thank you alot for the suggestions!

Already noted some of it, probably in the future update ;)


played your game an it brought me back to when i was a kid with a somewhat crazy imagination playing with toy soilders and other toys at the time XD, good job also random video lol 


Thank you for playing the game, and i'm really happy watching the gameplay video :)

and also thank you for the feedback while playing the game, especially when playing the skirmish where there is upgrade bug and adjustment that need to be done in the next update XD

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Attack on Toys: HALLOWEEN:


hi bro! i really love you game and i have some hints for it be better
1. try to remove the thing that when you shoot the gun it goes up
2. add more cheats, for example: z + b = god mode, z + u = infinite ammo
3. add a water level and even maybe boats to the game, and more rideable veichles
4. more buildings, like normal walls and etc.
5. try to add a options menu if you can
welp this is all i really wanted to you to add, anyways if you could at least add the new cheats i would be happy, thanks for reading this <3

btw i created a new account just to comment this and sorry for my bad english <3

Hello, i'm so happy that you love the game <3

Also thanks you alot for the feedbacks, i'm sure we can add those two cheats before the new Halloween update at 25 October :)

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Will be available at 25 October!

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Hi, thanks for your great game, its really good idea, i love it, but i have a problem, hope you can help me. My units oftenly stuck, when they are built in tents, even if if put tents in place with a big space, and units i buy from building menu just standing on one place and dont move, can you advice me something?

Hello, im really glad you love the game :D , if the unit standing in one place mostly because it doesn't find any enemy in his radius

You can actually command your units just like all RTS game:

1. Press M to enter Map Mode

2. Then press N to enter Command Mode

3. Left click mouse and drag mouse to select unit, and then right click to command unit what to attack and where to go

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But if the unit is standing still on one place and doing running animation... that means the unit AI Pathfinding still calculating path to walk.

We will fix this problem in the next update

Yes, because i also tried to move them through map, thank you very much, good luck with this game, best regards

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⭐ Attack on Toys 2.0 - ⚑ NOW AVAILABLE

⚑ Devlog:

Also can you add my character Baworo to this game?

What Character Baworo is? :)

He is a dragon

I think it would be awesome if the game has some sort of Dragon // Medieval toys... but not yet :')

Perhaps a bathtub level could be a nice map, very good game so far, and perhaps have walls to protect yourself or something similar? 

Yes! All of them will be included and somewhat Bathtub Map in 2.0 Update

That's amazing to hear, will the A.I be updated or given more options to do things such as patrol, or like hunker down in a specific area, as the A.I are quite wonky at some points, but other than that I appreciate all the effort you put into the wonderful game, as it's my top spot because of how fun it is.

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The AI is updated and also a brand new AI Builder... but there won't be any patrol area system yet at the momment :')

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