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can you also make a new unit called commando it has a beret so add the beret too and the commando and the commando's weapon is m16a1(already in the game) can you also add this new unit  on the game

noted that, and thank you for the suggestion / feedback!


Psst could you give me a Leak just one small leak

well, you could join the Discord for that ;)


is it possible to get an older version?

Sadly, the only available right now is this version


and i’v seen this game on baronvongamez good job with the d-day beach!

Awesome and thank you so much! also the d-day is made from Toy-Box Creator thru Steam Workshop:


I would love if you made a WW2 and 1 maps and maybe make German and all other ww1 -N- 2 tanks, boats, etr but this is my only computer but from the looks of it’s a great game!


Can you add the Panzer 3


noted that and thank you so much for the suggestion :D


Good game, almost all the basic game play element is already included although it still need more optimization, like in player control so it feel less clunky. All in all nice job. Question though, will there be bird eye view build feature or top down build feature like most classic RTS games? Not gonna lie it's kinda hard to aligning building when you try to build in third person, and also is there anyway to rotate building during build placement? Anyway thx for making this game, Cheers!!


Awesome and thank you so much!

Sadly you can only rotate your player direction to be able to rotate during building for now


Is anyone else using the linux version having an issue where you can't turn anymore if you move the mouse too far in one direction?


could you do a boonie hat instead of the cowboy hat


noted that and thank you for the suggestion! :D


plz plz make a choombook one!!


I think they mean chrome book, Although I don't think the game can run on one of those.

that is what i meant. chromebook

(3 edits) (+1)

how do you download mods from mod DB and put them to the game.                                            Edit: do I need the steam version to have mods also l am on windows.

1. you will need to download the file from mod DB

2. after that, you will need to move the file to Toy-Box folder

* For Steam version you only need to Subscribe thru Workshop and play ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow I have seen this on BigFry's channel and it looks really cool


yes BigFry did cover this game once :D... and thank you!


How do you play the game if you already downloaded it?

play Attack on Toys.exe


hi there, i'm having a problem with my game, I can't save the level I made in toybox creation. Idk why everytime I click save it just freezes for an indefinite amount of time, and when I check the toybox folder all the file contains is a thumbnail for the save file. 

(1 edit)

noted that and thank you for the feedback!

also which Toy-Box object that make the game Freeze?


can someone tell me where to place toybox creations?

Click My Toy Box button, it will open the folder location for you :)

(1 edit) (+1)

found something to give feedback on so you can improve the game, could you make it so when a zombie kills a soldier, the soldier turns into a zombie. also, could you make it so the player could be on the zombies team and try to spawn different zombies to wipe out the players or an AI player team (tank zombie, blow-you-up zombie...)

anyway thanks for the great game.


Zombies can already turn soldiers into zombies it can only be seen if you turn on terror mode on toy-box or play a terror invasion map

yes, the zombie can turn another toy into a zombie in the current version :)


To add to my other comment, maybe the poolside one could be more of a water park shaped one/wave pool that could imitate a beach scene.

And have a hot tub nearby aswell. But the hot tub will melt regular soldiers if you go in the water however diving suits and water vehicles woukd be fine.

Where the pool you can drown but still survive in. Maybe add things like deep sea diving suits for underwater foot soilder units. And also stuff like a harbor to build subs, water mines, ships, etc.

Pool floaties could act like various islands aswell. 

Just a fun idea :]

Water map would be epic :] and also thank you for the feedback!


Hi! Been playing this with the pals and we love it! 

Some suggestions/bugs to fix:

-we are having to use a lan workaround app to even play with eachother and if you're not the host, you experience quite a bit of lag. It would be nice to get a proper online multi-player service for this. With this lag comes frequent crashing to non-host players which while they CAN jump back in, ALL their construction/money progress becomes obsolete/reset. So it would be very nice if team members shared plastic factories. NOT currency, just the source. At least for the headquarter's connected factories.

-more modes for multi-player. Would love to do Conquest against all armies with buddies.

-option to change your army color

-a way to auto spawn robots like the solider tents

-larger maps for multi-player. Specifically the house one fully opened up instead of just 1 room 


Other suggestions, not needed, just could be neat:

-maybe a map that leads outside, from inside the house

-sandcastle map

-camping/camper map, with campfire, and access to inside the camper and outside it aswell.

-forest map with a focus a nature based hazzards. Perhaps beyond just bugs

-school map

-beach map

-poolside map

-Toy store map. Maybe with a gimmick of lots of boxed up units and stuff

-more robot types

-perhaps an alien army based around those collectable alien figures. Or just alien inspired vehicles & weapons. If you want to keep it within military bounds, maybe something like those German flying saucers

awesome that's alot of feedbacks! and thank you so much! :D

also you could change your Army Color thru Main Menu


i love this game so much, but can you add tiger tanks?

noted that and thank you for the suggestion :)


its free here but on steam its not ._.

yes :)


(1 edit)

these type of games are my favorite actually i LOVE them thanks for making such an amzing game :D


great game for the whole family !

We have a bug on display  ( Ubuntu 20.04)  : we can't click on buttons in the settings pannel... not event "reset all settings". I guess the pb is due to the resolution.

I tried to delete the folder "StreamingAssets" but the settings are not reset... 

where are the settings stored ?

thx for your attention, best,

Hello there thank you for the feedback!

StreamingAssets is only for player save data progression. it won't affect your main menu setting

Main menu Setting location are stored in here:


does this have multiplayer?


also great game, absolutely love it, still have yet to find something I don't like.

well that's awesome and thank you! :D


the multiplayer is currently LAN only

will full online multiplayer be coming in the future then? Just picked it up on steam with a friend and were bummed to see only LAN


hey N7T, im loving the game and cant wait to see future updates. Keep up the great work.

awesome and thank you :D


On steam?

Attack on Toys: STEAM® Edition is available here:


Wasnt attack on toys gonna be free ?

yes, you can click download and get the game here for free :D


When will the Steam Version be available for mac? 


Sadly Steam version only Windows Version for now.

Because Linux and Mac is untested, i don't think it's a good idea to put it on Steam yet :')

What is your estimate for atleast a test build for Mac and Linux?

Deleted post

Get better weapons, use Duel Wield Guns, and Increase your Level

and Thank you!


So far so long the game is good. Maybe in the future update there should be a water unit like a boat.

noted that and thank you for the feedback!


Awesome to see an up to date Linux build. Thank you N7T-Games.

youre welcome, hope the linux will work well in game :D

(2 edits) (+2)

will you post the steam version here for free

edit : ok it was just uploded a little later for me

Hello there, the just updated :D


Made a video

(1 edit) (+1)

Will there be continued linux support? Running the latest build of the game through wine does not perform as well the the old native linux version. Other than that I've enjoyed it a lot on the old build.

i might upload Unity Linux Build....but sadly i'm unable to test it properly because the game development is using Windows.

i still highly recommend to play the game using Windows :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for listening to idea. Not too many developers do that now days.  Either way even if it doesn't come out for Linux I'll still try and find a way to make it work better in wine. The game is well worth the hassle.


Really cool game, pretty much everything I wanted from the games listed as inspiration for this one. Hope to see more!

Thank you! there will be more content/update soon :)


how do i use it on a Chromebook?

Well hello there, sadly the game will need Windows OS to run properly


Its an alright game, I see a lot of work has been put into it and I can see it will become a great product, it has potential, however, it still needs polishing and some optimizations.

I would recommend adding a few more graphics options such as V-Sync, and maybe make that graphics quality dropdown menu a preset, being able to increase & lower specific settings would be nice.

It feels a bit choppy even at 60 FPS but this could be my computer being bad. The gameplay is fun, you get to build your own fortifications and what not. You can also control vehicles. 

Overall I would give it a 6/10 at the current state. If the developer manages to optimize the game a bit more, I will edit my review. 

Thank you so much for the review and feedback!


Can you add a f 15, m1 Abrams, and a Humvee please and sorry for the inconvenience

noted that, maybe in future update! also thank you for the suggestions :)

Deleted 2 years ago

can you add a desert map


Thank you for the suggestion, noted!

but you will able to create your own desert map in the next steam update ;)

Deleted 2 years ago

best game,but i have problems with multiplayer:my friend is thrown off the server every time

Sorry for the inconvenience experience.

it might be firewall problem or internet connection problem that cause that issue.


Anyone else on the Linux build able to fix mouse movement? The cursor is invisible but doesn't lock, so once the (invisible) cursor reaches the edge of the screen, you can no longer turn the camera.

Yes, several report issue that same problem with Linux

sadly i'm unable to test Linux version, for now i highly recommend playing the windows version

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